Boxley Parish Council Response - Local Plan Review


As you may be aware, Maidstone is carrying out a review of its Local Plan. In the call for sites, there are 3 sites, that affect Boxley Parish which have gone into this next consultation phase.

Ref 196 - Willow Farm, Sandling – 45 houses

Ref 216 – Rochester Meadow, Sandling – 20-25 houses

Lidsing – creation of a new Garden community of 2,000 houses that will join up with the Gibraltar Farm development of 450 houses. (full details of the scheme can be found on the Hume Planning website under consultations). The new garden community will join Lordswood/Walderslade with Hempstead Valley and fill in a lot of the ‘protected’ strategic gap.

At meetings on the 7th and 14th December Boxley Parish Council voted to oppose all 3 proposed developments. Please find attached Boxley Parish Council’s response to Maidstone’s Local Plan Review, with regard to the above developments. You can make a response to the consultation on Maidstone Borough Council’s Website under Consultations. Please feel free to use any of our comments in your responses.

Additional Documents

Local Plan Review Response.pdf