Walderslade Woodlands Group

One of the main attractions of living in Walderslade is that it is one of the few areas with largely unspoilt expanses of accessible woodland. There are numerous paths, and you can spend hours peacefully walking along them, imagining that you are deep in rural Kent rather than just a few hundred metres from a motorway.

Even if you choose not to walk in the woods, they still contribute greatly to the quality of Walderslade life – they provide beautiful scenery, absorb noise from the motorway, help clean the air, and provide a haven for nature (birds, insects, trees, fungi).

But they need caring for to ensure that we and future generations can continue to enjoy the woodlands and the plateaux – that is why the Walderslade Woodlands Group was formed.

Who are we?

Quite simply, we are a group of local residents who meet for a few hours each week (usually the mornings of Tuesdays and Thursdays) to carry out conservation and maintenance work in the local woodlands. We call these “Task Days” and in reality they are good fun and a great opportunity to meet like minded people.

What sort of work do we do?

In the past we have kept paths from being overgrown or dangerous, provided steps, controlled exotic weeds that were invading, and installed “welcome” and interpretation boards. We have cleared litter. We have surveyed birds and flowers and erected picnic tables. Barriers to discourage motor vehicles have been erected. Trees have been coppiced. Leaflets with details of paths in the woods have been prepared (and are freely available). We will continue with these activities, and hold more special events like guided walks.

We have enjoyed the backing of Boxley Parish Council and a Local Heritage Initiative grant. Village Green status has been achieved for the three valleys and five plateaux.

How can I join?

It couldn’t be simpler! Contact Rob Burrows, telephone (01634 682048) or by email (robert.burrows@hotmail.co.uk). Our volunteers are notified of activities by email.

Do I need to bring tools or have special skills?

We provide all the tools (and gloves) that you will need for our Task Days, and free refreshments. We make sure that there are activities to suit all levels of strength and fitness. There are also some jobs that can be done from home, avoiding all physical effort.

How do I find out more?

Our leaflets are available from the Parish Office, Beechen Hall, Wildfell Close, Walderslade, Chatham, Kent ME5 9RU.


The area is split into three valleys, Cossington Valley, Roundwood and Tunbury Bottom all of which can be found on the attached map this identifies the circular walk which is marked in green and black.

There are several walks that can be enjoyed. Please click on the links above for further information. You might also be interested in the, bird walk and spring wild flower walk.

Plant Species

There are many rare species of plants that can be found throughout the area including orchids. A map and legend is available upon request. Please contact Rob Burrows either by telephone or email see 'how can I join' above.

Further information


Mission Statement

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